As a continuation to the request which I mentioned in my Vanilla Pudding and Pineapple Custard recipe, here is the next dessert recipe and one of the easiest and most delicious puddings.
Tender coconut – 1 (with coconut water and inside scrapings)
Sugar – 200 g
China grass – 5 g
1. Pour tender coconut water into a vessel and add sugar to it and mix well. Boil china grass in a separate vessel with a ¼ cup of water and mix this well to coconut water mixture.
2. Cut the inside coconut scrapings into longer pieces avoiding all the non-white parts and put these into the above coconut water mixture and pour these to an open glass bowl and keep to cool down. On cooling down keep the bowl in refrigerator to cool.
If a colorful coconut pudding is needed, before pouring the coconut mixture into the bowl, another layer of color full mix can be added into the bowl. This can be made with Orange/Mango/Carrot or any other mix as per availability. I’m adding an example with carrot here.
For color (optional):
Carrot – 100 g
Milk – ½ ltr
Sugar – 100 g
Vanilla Essence – ½ tea sp
How to:
1. Peel of carrot skin and cut it into medium pieces and boil in steam either in puttu kudam or in pressure cooker.
2. Mix the cooked carrot, milk, vanilla essence and sugar in a blender.
3. Pour this mixture as first layer in the bowl and on top of it add the coconut mixture and keep for cooling.
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